Quote Of The Month

"Love is keeping the promise anyway." ~John Green, The Fault In Our Stars.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Getting to know me.

Hey Bookworms.

Just a quick post to get this blog up and running :) 
I suppose you must know a little bit about me in order to create that "connection." Haha well, where to start, My name is Connie and don't think that I'm some old, retired freak with nothing other to do with their time... Cause I'm not, no I'm..only a high school student from "The Land Down Under." I've been reading since I can remember and being blonde thats about....... yesterday, haha but seriously I have always loved reading and from 2012 to now, there has literally been dozens of A-MA-ZING books my top favourite right now feature: The Fault In Our Stars by (the heart-shattering)  John Green, The Mortal Instruments by (the talented) Cassandra Clare, and last but not least The Divergent Trilogy by (the amazing) Veronica Roth. Of course most of these are fairly recent but, they are also the ones I have been reading recently. I am currently on the second book of the Divergent series, Insurgent and loving it I only just started because I finished Divergent today in English class, so no spoilers please. Along with reading my other hobbies include DIYs, reading DOLLY & Girlfriend magazines listening to Australia's best punk rock bad ever 5SOS, writing and fantasizing about all the young hotties that are staring in the movie versions of these books (cause lets admit girls they are drool-worthy). I also like Paris and aspiring quotes from famous authors, at the moment my favourite is from Roald Dahl "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely"

So that's about me done, please please please comment and follow and give me feedback or recommendations of books and i will most likely read them, (age appropriate of course ;)). And you will read more from me in my first book review on Friday 20th June on The Trylle Trilogy by Amanda Hocking.
 Hope to "see" you there

Connie x